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Is Your Business Ready for Customer 2.0?

Customers today are more informed than ever before, thanks to the explosion of data on the Internet, along with social media tools that enable conversations with other customers and businesses like themselves. This new "Customer 2.0" has nearly unlimited access to information on companies, products and people they are considering doing business with. As a result, Customer 2.0 has all but stopped listening to vendors ... and customer-to-customer conversations are becoming far more influential to the buying decision than traditional sales and marketing efforts.

SalescomputerHow can your company sell to Customer 2.0? You must provide goods and services that are truly relevant to them, and this requires knowledge of their needs and challenges. You can learn more about Customer 2.0 in the following articles:

How To Sell To Customer 2.0

Which Came First: Sales 2.0 or Customer 2.0?

B2B Companies Must Keep Pace With Customer 2.0

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